BCS Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, January 29, 2024 Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: 545 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11206 Room 328
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Topic: Brooklyn Charter School Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting Time: 10.26.23 at 6PM Location: 545 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn New York 11206, Room 322 Zoom Link for Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84174585232?pwd=TDY2Vlpnanl1QkdDSEdSYjlVbGF1dz09 
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Topic: Brooklyn Charter School Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting Time: 9.19.22 at 6PM Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84174585232?pwd=TDY2Vlpnanl1QkdDSEdSYjlVbGF1dz09   
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Brooklyn Charter School (BCS) Public Lottery for School Year 2022-23 Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 Time: 11:00 a.m. Zoom Link Information: Topic: Brooklyn Charter School 
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The DOE has scheduled a public hearing for your upcoming renewal for Brooklyn Charter School. The hearing will take place via Zoom. Brooklyn Charter School   School Address: 545 Willoughby Avenue, 
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Topic: BCS Board of Trustees Meeting Time: 12.13.21 at 6PM Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84174585232?pwd=TDY2Vlpnanl1QkdDSEdSYjlVbGF1dz09  Meeting ID: 841 7458 5232 Password: Brooklyn
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*NOTICE: This meeting has been cancelled and will be rescheduled within the next few days* Topic: BCS Board of Trustees Meeting Time: 11.17.21 at 6PM 
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Topic: BCS Board of Trustees Meeting Time: 10.18.21 at 6PM Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86368525218?pwd=VUFWaUNBcW4reFF4MGMrUE9mbi93QT09 Meeting ID: 841 7458 5232 Password: Brooklyn
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Topic: BCS Board of Trustees Meeting Time: 9.22.21 at 6PM Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86368525218?pwd=VUFWaUNBcW4reFF4MGMrUE9mbi93QT09 Meeting ID: 841 7458 5232 Password: Brooklyn
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Topic: BCS Board of Trustees Meeting Time: 8.10.21 at 2PM Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86368525218?pwd=VUFWaUNBcW4reFF4MGMrUE9mbi93QT09 Meeting ID: 841 7458 5232 Password: Brooklyn
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July 2024
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