We hope that when our students return to Brooklyn Charter School from Spring Break on Monday, April 9, they will be recharged and ready to learn more. For their parents, we want them to keep these important upcoming events in mind as well.

ELA and Math Afterschool Test Prep Classes

Our third- through fifth-grade students will get back into the swing of studying in these classes. As was the schedule prior to Spring Break, ELA (English Language Arts) test prep will be held Mondays and Math Wednesdays.

New York State English Language Arts Test

This runs Wednesday, April 11 through Friday, April 13. The state of New York requires students in grades 3-8 to take the (ELA) test each spring. These assessments measure the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS).

Public Lottery for Applications

If you know someone who is interested in having their children attend BCS, remind them of two deadlines coming up. They must submit a complete application for Brooklyn Charter School by Monday, April 9. Four days later, on Friday, April 11, we will hold a public lottery to pick the winning applicants at a designated space in the school. The exact time and location will be determined at the start of April and will be posted to this website.

Early Dismissal Day

On Tuesday, April 17, classes at BCS will end early at 12:30 p.m. All parents should make any necessary arrangements to have their children picked up at that time. The reason we are doing that is because we will be holding …

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Please plan to attend one of these sessions on Early Dismissal Day to learn more about the progress of your children. The first session will run from 1:30-4 p.m., and the second will occur from 5-7:45 p.m.

Stay on Top of Updates

If you haven’t done so already, follow our social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get the latest breaking news you need to know in April and beyond.

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March 2025
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