Dear Brooklyn Charter Families and Friends,

Thank you for your continued partnership, patience and support as we navigate this ever-changing situation.

As you know, due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, Brooklyn Charter School has closed our school building and shifted to remote education. The NYC Department of Education announced closure and distance learning for all of its schools through Monday, April 20, 2020. With regard to our schedule for the next few weeks, BCS will:

  • Align our Distance/Remote Education schedule with plans to return to our school building on Monday, April 20, 2020. We will keep you posted if this plan and date changes.
  • Spring Break is scheduled to be held on April 9th-17th. We will ensure that your child has sufficient work planned that they can complete independently.

Additionally, below are a few important updates regarding access to breakfast/lunch, your child’s medication, and access to additional school learning materials you may need at this time:

If your child requires access to breakfast and lunch:

We are keenly aware that many of our families rely on our schools for breakfast and lunch. We want to ensure that we are able to continue to meet this need in our community.  For this week, the NYC Department of Education will provide Grab & Go Meals our school for breakfast and lunch from 7:30am to 1:30pm.  You may go to ANY NYC DOE school site to pick-up a breakfast and lunch.

If you need access to your child’s medication:

Student medications that are stored in the Nurse’s office are still in house. If you require your child’s medication, it will be available Thursday, March 19th from 8am – 4pm

If you require access to learning materials or supplies:

Learning equipment (Laptops or tablets) and take home-learning assignments/materials will be available for pick up on Friday, March 20th from 7:30am – 1:30pm for families who have pre-arrangements with the school.  One device per family will be loaned out from the school at this time.  Devices MUST be returned upon the opening of school.  Please be advised that if devices are not returned, you will be fully responsible for the replacement cost of the device.

If you require access to health and mental health services:

Additionally, our student Support Team will continue to provide related services through our distance/learning program.  We will keep you updated via BCS website (, Instagram (Handle: brooklyncharterschool), e-mails through a recent parent listserv that was created and phone calls as updates become available.

Thank you for your continued support and flexibility as we work to ensure the safety of our Brooklyn Charter School and Community.

The Brooklyn Charter School


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February 2025
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