School Closure
Governor Cuomo announced today that school will remain closed for the remainder of the school year.  If you have any questions about any of your child’s belongings etc, that may be at school we have no answers to this as yet, as the Chancellor and Mayor have given no guidance.  We will keep you updated as information is received.
5th Graders
The Administration team is figuring out what we are going to do with regards to our seniors since they will sadly be missing graduation.  We will be meeting in the upcoming weeks and will update you as soon as we come up with a plan.
New Live Session Times for Teachers and Students
Since we are going to be in school longer than initially anticipated, teachers in grades K-5 will have two hours daily where they will have an open Google Meeting where your child can go on and receive help with their daily work.  The schedule will be provided in Monday’s email.
Grading System
This week Mayor Di Blasio announced a grading system for DOE that BCS is going to follow.  At the end of the school year students will receive Passing, Needs Improvement, or a No Show grade.  No Show will be for students who had 0 participation in remote learning.
We are required to take daily attendance for each student.  Teachers are counting a child as “present” by the daily check ins; work submitted; and/or logins to I-Ready. It is important that your child be in contact with their teacher and complete their work. If your child is missing for a day,  their teacher will have to mark them absent.  It is very important that you keep in touch with your child’s teacher if circumstances arise that prevent them for participating.
Electronic Devices

If your child is in need of an electronic device, grades K-2 please email Mr. Roger at [email protected]; grades 3-5 email Ms. Jahde at [email protected].

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March 2025
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