Click Here to View Ms. Hunt’s Weekly Message! 

This week begins week 11 of remote learning and we are winding down to the end of the school year.

There was a lot going on in Brooklyn this weekend and around the country.  This week highlighted a lot of the issues people of color have to face in this country and the conversations we have to have with our children, especially those of us with sons.  Ms. Hunt sent out a survey for a BCS parent group, this may be an opportunity for you to come together with other parents to express your thoughts and feelings, and gain support during these emotionally draining and trying times.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Thursday June 4th beginning at 1:00 p.m. with the last appointment being at 7:45 p.m.  If your child’s teacher has not reached out to you as yet, please look out for an email or phone call to schedule your conference time.  Videos will still be posted for students on Thursday and there will only be Google Meetings in the morning.

Report Cards
You will be receiving your child’s third quarter report card, via email, prior to parent-teacher conferences.  Please note, the third quarter began January 17th and ended March 23rd. A special remote learning report card will be distributed, via email on June 19th.

Student Work
Please ensure your child is completing their work daily and any missing work is submitted.  If your child needs extra time to complete work, please let their teacher know and an extension will be granted.

Electronic Devices
Unfortunately, the electronic devices we ordered will not be delivered until the end of June.  We apologize to the families that were awaiting devices, however, due to the high demand across the country, everything was back ordered.

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March 2025
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