It is natural for kids to be excited about the summer break. Not only does it represent a reprieve from the rigors of school, but it means they can anticipate moving up to a higher grade. However, every parent has the understandable worry that the summer’s relaxation may result in a mental lapse when their child returns to their studies. Here is a short list of three habits you can encourage in your children over the break that can help keep their minds and bodies sharp for next year.

Read as Much as Possible

Reading is integral to practically every discipline, so encouraging it is very important. It also helps to open up your child’s mind to new experiences, allows them to learn about other cultures, and can be an outlet for their imagination and creativity. The impact of regular reading cannot be overstated. Try to read with your child every night, enroll them in a summer reading program, or otherwise encourage them to read a book or two over the course of the break.

Give Your Child “Chores”

School represents a routine of responsibilities. As part of our commitment to building strong, impactful citizens, Brooklyn Charter School asks students to participate in many different programs and handle many different projects. All of this instills responsibility in our students. Though summer can be relaxing and stress-free, it is also important to keep a routine of responsibility so that your child does not feel overwhelmed when school restarts. Having them do the dishes every night, make their bed, or perform other routine tasks can help them understand what it means to be responsible and can instill pride in their work.

Emphasize Healthy Habits

The third recommendation is to encourage your child to make good, healthy choices like eating fruits and vegetables and getting to bed at a reasonable hour. The CDC has data that shows that children with better eating habits tend to become better learners, and that poorer eating habits can be a block to learning. Though summer can be a time for kicking back and indulging, make sure that your kids make healthy eating choices more often than not. Plus, getting more sleep can lead to a healthier brain that is better able to adjust to the school schedule when summer break ends.

With these three tips in hand, you are ready to help make summer break a productive time for your children. Keep in mind our fourth tip, and probably the one that your child will like the most: make sure to have fun and stay safe! We will see you again next year. If you have any questions, contact our office here.

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