At Brooklyn Charter School, the process is now open for accepting applications for our 2018-19 school year. This includes all grades K-5.

Anyone interested in enrolling his or her child in Brooklyn Charter School can do so easily on our website, but you might want to consider whether you know the answers to these questions before submitting it.

  1. How much do you know about Brooklyn Charter? Have you talked with parents of students currently or formerly in our school? Met teachers and/or administrators? You can do the latter at one of our open houses or contact us for a tour of the school. This will give you a better understanding of how our community and culture function and are unique from what you typically find in other schools.
  2. Are you and your children’s expectations in line with our school? Our program calls for students to receive, complete and submit homework assignments every day. We hold high standards in after-school programs too. A child in one of the latter who fails to appear in more than half the classes may be requested to leave it. Similarly, parents are expected to pick up your child in a timely manner to stay in the program.
  3. Are you flexible and willing to wait? We cannot accept a child immediately after application. While we will announce new enrollees for kindergarten in April, children in other grades will go on a waiting list for available space based on the date we receive the application. Based on your application date and suitability, we will contact you as vacancies arise.
  4. Does your child need to include an IEP? If you child is eligible for Special Education services, we would be happy to provide these services to him or her, but we will need a copy of their IEP (Individualized Education Program).

The deadline to apply for kindergarten for the 2018-19 school year is Monday, April 9th. Get your application together for submission by that time. We are looking forward to informing you in April that your child will be joining us!

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March 2025
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