Next week Mr. Roger and Ms. Jahde will have Harambee for grades K-2 and 3-5, please look out for an email from them with the details and try your best to have your child participate.

Student Completion of Daily Work

Brooklyn Charter School is continuing with our normal curriculum even though we are no longer physically in classrooms. Where we understand circumstances are much different, we still want our scholars to receive the curricular information as if they were still in school. It is imperative that your child watch their assigned videos daily AND complete the work assigned by their teachers. Each grade for ELA, Math, and Science, is preparing them to, not only meet the standards for their current grade, but to also have the foundational skills for their next grade. IReady allows students to work on their grade level for both Math and ELA, therefore if they need remediation or advanced work in specific learning standards this is how they receive it.

In Monday’s email, we will be sending sample schedules for each grade that you can follow to ensure your child is completing their assigned work. These schedules are a suggestion. Feel free to shift them to what makes sense for your family as we understand that everyone’s circumstances are different.

In addition, where it may be tempting, please refrain from doing your child’s work. Feel free to support and provide them assistance, but completing their work for them is not allowing them to learn how to do it themselves.

Google Meetings

Some teachers meet with their classes via Google Meet. This is a time for students to see each other, as well as their teachers. Parents/Guardians/Adults watching scholars, please be mindful of the language used, yelling, or talking during these meetings. If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher, please email or call them separately. If you are upset with your child, please speak to them when the Google Meet is not going on. It is fine for you to be present, just remember this is a time for teachers to meet with their students only.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to our Principal, Ms. Hunt at [email protected].

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February 2025
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