The start of a new year gives us a fresh opportunity to change and make improvements in our lives. With regard to your students at Brooklyn Charter School, consider vowing to add these activities to make 2018 even more productive for them.

  1. Take your children to the library to read more on subjects that interest them in school. We offer a variety of lessons in social studies, science, math and more to spike their interest in exploring more about these fields on their own. Ask your children what’s motivating and exciting them the most and escort them to your local library so they can discover more on their own time and increase their knowledge independently.
  2. Enrich the experiences of our students. If your children enjoy what they are learning in the arts or technology, take advantage of free or low-cost opportunities to pursue those fields at nights or on the weekends. Check out cultural events, street fairs and other programs where they can interact with and ask questions of artists and technicians as well as possibly get more hands-on experiences so they can relate them to their learning in school and apply their training practically.
  3. Let your children participate in after school programs. Students should not be leaving Brooklyn Charter and saying there’s nothing to do after class. If they seem to lack motivation or focus, offer them to try out anything from yoga to team sports to knitting to occupy their time and minds better before they get home. Chances are their involvement will make them well-rounded and happier. Enroll them at the BCS Summit After School Program. 
  4. Set up time to talk more with school administrators and teachers. Getting to know our students as much as possible includes receiving input from their parents. When was the last time that you discussed your cares and concerns with us? Knowing what you are encountering at home with your children and related issues can help us in better addressing the needs of all involved.
  5. Increase your support of the school. Donating to Brooklyn Charter is tax deductible for you and your workplace, should it be looking for a good educational cause to endorse. Giving you time to help with special events and projects are appreciated too, plus your children will see you are as committed to the school as they are.

What other ideas do you have to make 2018 more productive? Share with us in the comments.

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