Greetings BCS families,

Thank you for your responses to our SUMMIT After School Program survey!

Based on your responses and feedback, the first day of the program will be Wednesday, September 6th, the first day of school. We will be operating Monday-Friday, 4pm-6pm (extended hours if needed to 6:45pm), at no cost to you this school year.

Applications are now available and will be on a “first come, first serve basis”Please note that ONLY returned and completed applications will be considered.

You can pick up a SUMMIT application on the following days in the BCS main office, room 327:

  • Thursday, August 31st at (12pm-3pm)
  • Friday, September 1st at (9am- 2pm)
  • Tuesday, September 4th at (9am-3pm)

There will also be a MANDATORY Parent Orientation on Tuesday, September 5th.  A parent or guardian MUST attend one of the two sessions:

  • Session 1- 4:30pm 
  • Session 2- 6:00pm

Applications can be handed in on this day as well.

Thank you in advance for supporting and being a part of our program.

We are excited and looking forward to a great year of safe and fun after school programming!

-The BCS Summit After School Team

After School Programs

The SUMMIT After-School Program provides age-appropriate, engaging programing to the students of the Brooklyn Charter School.

  • Homework Help– Students receive assistance with their daily homework assignments.
  • Community Building Activities– Our students participate in positive community activities to jump-start their day. The hours spent at our program are very productive, as each group works toward community initiatives and culminating performances for families to enjoy.
  • Healthy Snacks– A variety of nutritious food is provided to each child that meets the guidelines of the Federal Government Food Program.
  • Favourable Student to Staff Ratios– These smaller ratios ensure that students get the supports and attention needed from our experienced and trained role models.
  • Recreation and Enrichment Activities– Activities will build self-esteem, positive communication skills and promote physical fitness, leadership skills and working as a team. Some activities may include:
    • Performing Arts (Music, Modern/Jazz/Hip Hop, STEP)
    • Visual Arts (Craft Projects- Mosaic, Collages, Murals)
    • Science (STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
    • Sports and Group Games (Popular Sports played, Team Building activities)
Applying to The Brooklyn Charter School is simple – and is open to any and every child from all New York City boroughs or any other location, free of charge.
March 2025
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